There is censorship in voices today in the political realm. There is great deception and great delusion coming at you 24/7. The goal is to have society completely devoid of God! If the world is loving on you, you had better check your Christianity.
Let Judgement begin in the house of God. The last days actually began two thousand years ago. You can say with theological certainty that Jesus Christ could come at any time.
Jesus gave gifts to the body. The bible teaches about hard work ethics.. Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
There is a two phase return of Jesus Christ. Are you doing the will of our Father? How do we remain in Christ.
Times are changing. There is a one world false prophet church rising. The truth of the Word will set you free. Jesus is on His way!!!
Several signs concerning the second coming & last days. Deception can come in many forms leading to Apostasia. The Prophetic weekend is almost here.
Repent! Turn from your ways. There is a judgement coming my friend! The entire nation waits in eager expectation for the sons/daughters of God to be liberated from it’s bondage. Keep watch. Because you don’t know the day or the hour. You need to be ready!!
Faith comes from hearing the message. The message is heard through the Word about Christ. There is a remnant chosen by Grace. The Gospel is hidden from the eyes of the jewish nation because of the hardness of their hearts. We servants of God will reign with Jesus Christ.
Eschatology! Studying of end time events. Armageddon! War of Gog and Magog. Study to show yourself approved by God.
Learn the lesson of the fig tree. Are you in the Ark of faith, abiding in Jesus Christ?The Gospel must be preached to all nations.