Jesus said we will be saint defied by the truth of the word. The power of life and death is in your tongue. An argument is a battle of words.
When sin came in it distorted the image of God. You are not a product of your circumstances or your neighborhood. Once your image is restored so is your dominion.
Things are not falling apart. They are falling into place. If the devil can keep us divided the love of God for the world is not displayed. There is a line being drawn between true Christianity and everybody else.
The true church shall never be in unity with the world. We are the temple of the living God. There is a line being drawn between true Christianity and everybody else. Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life.
Times are changing. There is a one world false prophet church rising. The truth of the Word will set you free. Jesus is on His way!!!
Jesus is in us by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit the Advocate will testify about Jesus and you will also testify about Him. The Advocate is battling with you and for you.
The Holy Spirit may have lead you into the wilderness so that He may show Himself Strong. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Unity attracts the anointing of God. Jesus Christ the son of God was sent to us to anoint our heads with oil.
The battle is over who will be worshiped. Those who worship must worship in spirit and in truth. If the Spirit of God is not present during worship it’s false worship.
without relationship there is no Spiritual understanding. Except you be born again in the spirit of His spirit He cannot relate to or own the Kingdom. If you have not the spirit you are not of His spirit.
Prophets do not always bring positive prosperous words. By the baptism of the Holy Spirit we have the power to live according to His Holy Word. If you are lead by the Spirit you will not be under the law. Ask God and He will freely give the Holy Spirit.