Don’t ignore the check in your spirit. Are you facing temptation? Sin when it is full grown gives birth to death!
The devil is busy and trying to sew the seed of discord in the church. If your name is listed in the lambs book of life , you have nothing to worry about.
God has a covenant with Israel to save him and He will keep His word. Most of the nation of Israel is blind except for the elect. I will summon a sword against Gog says the Lord.
We are trusting in Jesus. Heaven and earth will pass away. But my Words will never pass away. God! What are you asking me to do?
God himself established the land for Israel. This is a spiritual War Choose ye this day whom you will serve.
Devil cannot reclaim your salvation. Put on the full Armour of God. The breast plate of righteousness was purchased by Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary.
Love always speaks truth. A battle between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of righteousness. We are the salt of the world.
Jesus said we will be saint defied by the truth of the word. The power of life and death is in your tongue. An argument is a battle of words.
Angels are amongst us. Both seen and unseen. Don’t follow your heart. Walk in the Spirit. Jesus gave us authority over devils and demons.
Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Unless you want to be beaten up, you’d better know your authority in Jesus. Take head that the light inside you is not darkness.