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One book one author equals salvation through Jesus Christ. Who do you say Jesus is? The Miracle of Miracles.
The cloud was Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory. Jesus came to bring as the body of Christ together. Speak and act like a believer.
There is only one name under heaven by which we can be saved. Be careful of idolatry We are the guilty sons and daughters of the Father.
Grace does not exclude us from living a holy life. You go before Him because of relationship. Pray for others whether you agree or disagree with them.
He come to bring peace to those who will receive Him. Did Jesus really rise from the grave.
God planned the death and burial of his own Child with precise detail before the foundation of the world. God himself orchestrated this entire week even before the world began.
Life begins at conception. Jesus would reign on the throne of David. There is no night too dark for our God to shine His light.
Jesus is the Passover Lamb that was slain. When Jesus said thee cup, he was saying I am the one you’ve been looking for. It is only the blood of Jesus who can take away my sin.
Apologetics is defined as the defender of the faith. Christianity is not blind faith. They would rather have a political operative rather than the Son of God.
Jesus grabbed thee cup because messiah was among us. Jesus tied the old and new testaments together. It’s impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to remove the burden of sin.