Daniel Tells Nebuchadnezzar It’s not about him. It’s about God. The church today want’s drive thru Christianity. Our Father will speak to you if you go to Him in prayer.
This world has used critical theories called social economic, racial or climate justice just divides us all. Paul is talking about tearing down strongholds. Conflict theory is designed to keep us in groups including the church in perpetual conflict. Social justice is neither biblical or Godly.
Perfect justice will not arrive on this earth until the perfect judge comes to this earth. If you want to be free from fear then, do what is right. The one in authority saved or not is God’s servant for your own good. Obey God’s Word.
God hides his word for appointed season, time and dispensation. We are no longer looking at prophesy. We are prophesy. Preach the word. Be prepared. Good doctrine is vital.
This Cup is the new Covenant and my blood which is poured out for you. Jesus’ death on the cross was the fulfillment. Our Passover Lamb. Jesus Boldly took Thee cup and made His proclamation loud and clear.
There is censorship in voices today in the political realm. There is great deception and great delusion coming at you 24/7. The goal is to have society completely devoid of God! If the world is loving on you, you had better check your Christianity.
There are three irrefutable signs that His return is near. Beware of False Prophets. The “last days” actually began more than two thousand years ago. The only way to avoid believing the lie is to love the truth of the word of God. What better judge of the prophetic words is there than time?
Let Judgement begin in the house of God. The last days actually began two thousand years ago. You can say with theological certainty that Jesus Christ could come at any time.
Study the Word so Jesus will not be hidden from you eyes. Knowing the written prophetic word helps us discern false prophets and false doctrine today. You choose to or not to glorify the Lord.
The spiritual battle is between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness and the greatest weapon is Truth! As part of this new life what is expected of you? There is no separation of God and government.