All believers have authority in the name of Jesus Christ. There is power in anointed worship. Where ever there is willful disobedience, there is darkness.
Angels are amongst us. Both seen and unseen. Don’t follow your heart. Walk in the Spirit. Jesus gave us authority over devils and demons.
When sin came in it distorted the image of God. You are not a product of your circumstances or your neighborhood. Once your image is restored so is your dominion.
Perfect justice will not arrive on this earth until the perfect judge comes to this earth. If you want to be free from fear then, do what is right. The one in authority saved or not is God’s servant for your own good. Obey God’s Word.
Study the Word so Jesus will not be hidden from you eyes. Knowing the written prophetic word helps us discern false prophets and false doctrine today. You choose to or not to glorify the Lord.
We Need to move in authority that we are our father’s people. We have to have a goal.
You Can’t have the Kingdom without righteousness. You much be born again into the kingdom. we need to abide by and according to kingdom policies and regulations.
The church is not in a position of fear but of faith. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Ignorance is very dangerous. Knowledge is the key.
No matter how I feel, I will!!!! Your struggle is created to cause a change in your life. God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.