He has deposited something in me! Himself! God’s word never falls to the ground unfruitful. God who created you says “Fear not! You are mine!” The Latter reign will be more powerful than the former!
Your Future. God says, I see how you see it. But I want you to come up to the place where I see it. Everything that Jesus is is so you can become what you are suppose to be. He is the God of the now.
There were three major precautions taken by the enemies of Jesus that give us circumstantial evidence of His resurrection. Why do you seek the living among the dead? The feast of first fruits is about presenting your first fruits to God almighty. We celebrate the resurrection of the entire church of Jesus Christ.
Is there Grace emphasis in this day and age? A little leaven goes a long way. Sweep the leaven from those dark closets. Feast of unleavened bread proclaimed Christ’s body would be broken.
Without the shedding of blood there is no redemption of sin. We must continually preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord’s feasts are celebrated on the exact same days according to the lunar calendar. It is time to step up and step out for the gospel. If you remove the blood from the Book there is no redemption or healing.
Do the work of an evangelist. Commit to the act or proclamation with the spreading of the message of Jesus Christ! Preach outside of the church walls. Preach the truth! Everyone should be preaching the word!
Apostasy…Departure from the church. Satan is a counterfeiter. Watch out that no one deceives you. don’t refuse the love of the truth.
The soul of man is looking for a dwelling place. Your prayer will become your presence. When your intent is that the presence is your destination, you will affect every place you go.
No more sacrificial laws. Only the blood of the lamb. I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Make sure you have the blood of the lamb painted on your heart. Four cups and Elijah’s cup.
You are called to be free!! Walk by the Spirit. You have received power from the Holy Spirit to go out to the uttermost places of the earth. Restore them (the lost) back to the flock.