Make every effort bare one another in love. When we come together in unity God commands a blessing. Living in unity is like oil poured down on Aaron’s beard (Anointing).
We are not perfect. You are born again by the spirit of the living God. We are unified by the blood line from the cross of Calvary. You are commanded to love and others to love you.
How good and Pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity. When two or more gather together in my name there am I in the midst of them. One purpose. One mind. Jesus prayed that we would be on one accord, one place!!
You are called to be free!! Walk by the Spirit. You have received power from the Holy Spirit to go out to the uttermost places of the earth. Restore them (the lost) back to the flock.
Faith by Grace. Not by what we do. A man is justified by faith apart from serving the law. Now that faith has come we are no longer under the guardian of the law (schoolmaster). Keep your lives filled with the Holy Spirit.
How do we hear the voice of God? We have to learn to discern/interpret the voice. God is calling us.
Which one of you wants to be like Jesus? Be confident in knowing the voice of God. Satan fears “you” knowing the Voice of God.
Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for today? Are they for everyone? Pastor Michael Yuricha answers these questions and much more.
In this third message in the Holy Spirit Series, Pastor Michael Yuricha speaks about the baptism and the power of the Holy Spirit in the believer and how it is necessary to live a victorious Christian life.
Are you investing your gifts and talents into the Kingdom of God? Pastor Michael Yuricha speaks about the wise and the foolish stewards.