What will you do with your salvation? His promises are yes and amen. Some things you just don’t understand. But By & By….That’s faith. You have to be a doer of the word.
It impossible to remain the same with the Power of God with you. Do not be lead by anything other than my spirit. Be Still and listen. And when God says move, you move.
Marijuana is a stepping stone drug. I believe in prayer for one reason prayer works. Praying for children builds their self esteem.
The new world order is well underway. This book reveals the extent our Father God will go to in order that some will be saved. It’s done. I am the alpha, omega, the beginning and the end.
The purpose of God pouring out His wrath on the unrepentant is in hope that the will repent. Four to six years into the tribulation period there will be an angel preaching the gospel to every nation to every tribe and people. What are we doing for the Kingdom of God?
The inhabitance of the world who don’t know there names have not been written in the book of life from the creator of the world will be astonished when they see the beast. History is His (my Father’s) story! The Rock became a great mountain that filled the earth with God’s people.
Heaven is trying to find a place where a king rules. Our minds need to be redeemed from demon spirits. If you study (The Word) you will discover something incredible with the voice and the presence. Roman 8:26; the only thing we need is revelation.
The great prostitute is the end time one world apostate church. Because people do not love the truth God Himself will send a strong delusion This movement of ecumenism and pluralism is the movement of the spirit of Antichrist.
Repentance is a lifestyle. It is God’s will To heal you. The prayer of faith will unlock a door in you that you may be healed. the prayer of faith will heal the sick.
Evangelist Rob Murdoch sharing and teaching at our Evangelism Conference.