We need to do some digging and searching foe knowledge order to get the truth. If we don’t know the word, we are in danger of falling for the deception.
The battle is about someone’s soul. We have to be united around the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our father wants constant and regular relationship with you. The new Kingdom in Revelation 20 is our New Destiny.
There is a Kingdom of Culture and a Kingdom of Light. Kingdom Citizens have a higher calling. The world’s motive is to silence the Christian voice.
There is a two phase return of Jesus Christ. Are you doing the will of our Father? How do we remain in Christ.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Be strong in the Lord and know your source. Dress for success. Position yourself.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the faith. A house divided cannot stand. If the devil can keep us divided the love of God for the world is not displayed.
Times are changing. There is a one world false prophet church rising. The truth of the Word will set you free. Jesus is on His way!!!
Rapture and second coming are two separate events. Trinity is a solid doctrinal concept. Jesus is thinking of us and sending us gifts.
Only one thing is needed. Where your commitment lies is where you put all your treasure. Set your affections on the things above for Christ is seated in the heavenly place. Seek ye first the kingdom. Seek singularly of the heart.
The word of God is life changing for healing. Keep your mind stayed on Him. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him.