The Holy Spirit will take you new places never thought possible. How much of the Holy Spirit do you have in you? Are you willing to say yes to the Holy Spirit?
It impossible to remain the same with the Power of God with you. Do not be lead by anything other than my spirit. Be Still and listen. And when God says move, you move.
Marijuana is a stepping stone drug. I believe in prayer for one reason prayer works. Praying for children builds their self esteem.
Repentance is a lifestyle. It is God’s will To heal you. The prayer of faith will unlock a door in you that you may be healed. the prayer of faith will heal the sick.
Evangelist Rob Murdoch sharing and teaching at our Evangelism Conference.
Pastor Robert Holmes sharing and teaching at our Evangelism Conference.
Pastor Michael Yuricha sharing and teaching at our Evangelism Conference.
What was life like in the garden of Eden? Pastor Michael Yuricha and Doreen Vail share the word of God.
The anti-christ and false prophets are going to come as men of peace. Nothing can happen to you unless it’s approved by your Father. Men everywhere are without excuse because God is clearly displaying himself to mankind.
In the last days God says I will poor out my spirit on all people. The heart of the king is in the hand of God. We have not been given the spirit of fear . But a spirit of love, of power and a sound mind!