The spiritual battle is between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness and the greatest weapon is Truth! As part of this new life what is expected of you? There is no separation of God and government.
You Can’t have the Kingdom without righteousness. You much be born again into the kingdom. we need to abide by and according to kingdom policies and regulations.
No matter how I feel, I will!!!! Your struggle is created to cause a change in your life. God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
Jesus gave gifts to the body. The bible teaches about hard work ethics.. Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
There is a two phase return of Jesus Christ. Are you doing the will of our Father? How do we remain in Christ.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Be strong in the Lord and know your source. Dress for success. Position yourself.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the faith. A house divided cannot stand. If the devil can keep us divided the love of God for the world is not displayed.
Things are not falling apart. They are falling into place. The true church will never be in unity with the world. We have a ministry of reconciliation.
Fathers are male by birth. Not by decision. Real fathers are selfless, involved and sacrificing. The enemy will try to tie you up first before he can plunder your family.
We need sound doctrine in the house of God. Be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Pray