Perfect justice will not arrive on this earth until the perfect judge comes to this earth. If you want to be free from fear then, do what is right. The one in authority saved or not is God’s servant for your own good. Obey God’s Word.
The fear of the Lord will help you with financial management. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Owe no man anything except the love.
This instruction is transferred by family. Proverbs speak a lot about relationships and associations. Instill Godly wisdom & plant seeds from the time your children are in diapers.
There is a direct assault on manhood and fatherhood. Honoring our father should be our life’s practice. We are living in a day where we need our Godly men to stand up like never before.
All gifts are given from the Father of heaven for light to everybody. Your gift is for the King. You will remain in the belly of the fish until you say yes Lord. God uses everything in your life for His perfect will.
When you experience the person of the Lord you are at home. He who continues in my word is truly my disciple. You cannot know and comprehend a thing if you think it has no value.
Things are not falling apart. They are falling into place. If the devil can keep us divided the love of God for the world is not displayed. There is a line being drawn between true Christianity and everybody else.
We are either conformed or being transformed by the renewing of your mind. The world’s motive is to silence the Christian voice. You Can’t have the Kingdom without righteousness.
We are more than overcomers in Christ. You have to work daily to build up the stamina. We each have our own race.
We are either conformed or being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Without being born again the world has no clue. Spiritual warfare rages on between the two kingdoms.