Apostasy…Departure from the church. (A Divorce) Satan is a counterfeiter. Watch out that no one deceives you. Don’t refuse the love of the truth.
The battle is over who will be worshiped. Those who worship must worship in spirit and in truth. If the Spirit of God is not present during worship it’s false worship.
The goal is to get into the King’s chambers. Life is a byproduct of worship. His ultimate desire is for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
without relationship there is no Spiritual understanding. Except you be born again in the spirit of His spirit He cannot relate to or own the Kingdom. If you have not the spirit you are not of His spirit.
Prophets do not always bring positive prosperous words. By the baptism of the Holy Spirit we have the power to live according to His Holy Word. If you are lead by the Spirit you will not be under the law. Ask God and He will freely give the Holy Spirit.
The gifts of the spirit speaks life into somebody. Prophecy brings somethings to life. All of the gifts are about building up the house. Judge every prophecy and the prophet.
Do not uninformed about the gifts of the spirit. If you are born again you are qualified for all the gifts to want and desire. The primary purpose is to point the lost to Jesus Christ.
There should be unity in the body of Christ. Gifts are for the body of Christ and for a common purpose. If you don’t have love in the center of your spiritual gifts your spiritual gifts are for not!
We are the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. No other name but Jesus Christ through by which we can be saved. To tell the world about Jesus is the reason we preach the Gospel.
The Holy Spirit will take you new places never thought possible. How much of the Holy Spirit do you have in you? Are you willing to say yes to the Holy Spirit?