Every facet of ministry is a part of God’s Kingdom. When pray, what is your focus? Who is in charge of the winds and the waves? Grab on to a piece of the ship!
If Jesus needed to spend time in prayer, how much more do we??? How do we pray? To whom do we pray? Where to we pray? Establish a relationship with God through payer.
The Blood sacrifice was Established by God Himself. The Blood of Christ comes at a great price. Without the Shedding of blood of the Lamb there is no forgiveness of sin!
In Jesus Christ I am the righteousness of God. When God says go…..Go!!!! Walk in the fullness of His purpose for you. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Are the waves of life rocking your boat? Life seem out of control? Pastor Michael Yuricha expounds on navigating this life just as Jesus did in the midst of the storm on the boat with his disciples.