Forgiveness leads to fruitfulness. If you believe a dream has come from God, it may take a season to come to fruition. Stay Kingdom minded.
God’s favor is able to find you. We serve a God of the suddenlys. God has caused him (Joseph) to forget.
God knows no one is perfect. But if you have the desire His favor, you must fix your eyes on Him. “What would Jesus do” should be your motto. Whenever you bargain with sin it’s always going to take you to a place you wouldn’t go.
Does your surroundings prosper because of you? God will comfort the troubled. But will also trouble the comfort. Position yourself for God’s favor.
If God gives you something, no one can take what He promised to give you. Never compromise the truth. God has given us the spirit of truth.
God will use all kinds of folks to bring about His perfect will. What are you going to do with what
God gave you? If you want God’s favor, you have to step out on faith.
Fix your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. There is no other name given unto heaven by which they can be saved. Compound names of God point to Jesus.
The Battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s. It is better to keep a hedge up around you so the enemy doesn’t come in. Let the anointed music minister to your soul.
stand firm. And do not let yourselves be burdened to slavery. You need only be still. nothing is accomplished by the kingdom of God with out faith.
When can I give back to God for the blessings, He pour out to me? We have unlimited divine goodness from the Lord. Look at the strategy of the enemy. Conquer the enemy of your soul!!!