Make every effort bare one another in love. When we come together in unity God commands a blessing. Living in unity is like oil poured down on Aaron’s beard (Anointing).
What is the purpose of unity. Truth is Truth. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit. Divisiveness has no place in the church of Jesus Christ
Faith by Grace. Not by what we do. A man is justified by faith apart from serving the law. Now that faith has come we are no longer under the guardian of the law (schoolmaster). Keep your lives filled with the Holy Spirit.
Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after Righteousness for they shall be filled. Someone is hungry! If any man is in Christ, he is a new man. Living waters
The Gospel I (Paul) preached is not of Human origin. God’s Grace saved me. We are Justified!!! Our Debt is paid in full. God’s love is perfect. You cant even conceive it!!!
Don’t miss your miracle moment! Saturate yourself in the Word of God. Look to the Heavens and speak the words of the Lord and watch your situation begin to turn!!!! Give Thanks!