Things are not falling apart. They are falling into place. If the devil can keep us divided the love of God for the world is not displayed. There is a line being drawn between true Christianity and everybody else.
We need to do some digging and searching foe knowledge order to get the truth. If we don’t know the word, we are in danger of falling for the deception.
The battle is about someone’s soul. We have to be united around the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our father wants constant and regular relationship with you. The new Kingdom in Revelation 20 is our New Destiny.
We are either conformed or being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Without being born again the world has no clue. Spiritual warfare rages on between the two kingdoms.
You Can’t have the Kingdom without righteousness. You much be born again into the kingdom. we need to abide by and according to kingdom policies and regulations.