This instruction is transferred by family. Proverbs speak a lot about relationships and associations. Instill Godly wisdom & plant seeds from the time your children are in diapers.
The Holy Spirit will take you new places never thought possible. How much of the Holy Spirit do you have in you? Are you willing to say yes to the Holy Spirit?
The new world order is well underway. This book reveals the extent our Father God will go to in order that some will be saved. It’s done. I am the alpha, omega, the beginning and the end.
He has deposited something in me! Himself! God’s word never falls to the ground unfruitful. God who created you says “Fear not! You are mine!” The Latter reign will be more powerful than the former!
Faith by Grace. Not by what we do. A man is justified by faith apart from serving the law. Now that faith has come we are no longer under the guardian of the law (schoolmaster). Keep your lives filled with the Holy Spirit.