He is coming for His Bride. Pay attention to the signs. When Jesus returns it will be hell on earth. Jesus will be the great revival.
Jesus is our Jubilee. A New Era. Nothing & No one could reject the voice of the Lord. God’s word is given to keep us out of slavery.
Leaders don’t get caught up in the worldly things. Stay focused on your calling. Failure gives you the opportunity one more time to go out better prepared. Without the blood we are dead.
Discipline is the key to success. A sound mind brings our emotions into check. Love & giving are inseparable. By the power of God, things happen.
There is a spirit of fear permeating the entire globe. But it is not of God. It is unhealthy to have unreasonable or irrational fears. God has not placed a weak spirit in you.
Jesus is alive. Resurrection is cause for great wonder and amazement. Stir up the gift that is in you. If not Jesus, then who?
All gifts are given from the Father of heaven for light to everybody. Your gift is for the King. You will remain in the belly of the fish until you say yes Lord. God uses everything in your life for His perfect will.
Racism seen in our country today is a play of the devil. Racism is a heart issue. Be careful of the racist attitude. Racism has pride in it’s roots. Let us be like Christ and humble ourselves.
This Cup is the new Covenant and my blood which is poured out for you. Jesus’ death on the cross was the fulfillment. Our Passover Lamb. Jesus Boldly took Thee cup and made His proclamation loud and clear.
There are three irrefutable signs that His return is near. Beware of False Prophets. The “last days” actually began more than two thousand years ago. The only way to avoid believing the lie is to love the truth of the word of God. What better judge of the prophetic words is there than time?