The Glory you’ve given to them. Believe in him and we will be the life that He wants for us. It’s is His kindness that leads us to repentance.
Jesus said we will be saint defied by the truth of the word. The power of life and death is in your tongue. An argument is a battle of words.
Angels are amongst us. Both seen and unseen. Don’t follow your heart. Walk in the Spirit. Jesus gave us authority over devils and demons.
Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Unless you want to be beaten up, you’d better know your authority in Jesus. Take head that the light inside you is not darkness.
God planned the death and burial of his own Child with precise detail before the foundation of the world. God himself orchestrated this entire week even before the world began.
Prophesy and Vision is still appropriate now in the church age. Daniel’s 69 weeks was fulfilled to the day.
The truth does not need crutches. If it limps, it’s a lie. The same blessing are for the rich, the middleclass and the poor. Covenant is the lovingkindness of God.
144K Jews will go around the world and preach the Gospel. Jesus speaks about our faithfulness, obedience and our coming rewards. Don’t bury your talent.
Before the second coming of Jesus Christ there must be a revealing of the anti Christ. Jesus is setting a time marker with abomination that causes desolation. We are holding back the coming of the antichrist.
It’s not until the righteous in safely then God will unleash His Judgement on the earth. When does the rapture happen? Do all who proclaim Christianity go in the rapture?