Revelation. Two stories with two drastically different endings. Unless you repent God will remove your lampstand or your usefulness as a body of believers. Worldly sorrows bring death. The love of God must be our motivation.
Faith comes from hearing the message. The message is heard through the Word about Christ. There is a remnant chosen by Grace. The Gospel is hidden from the eyes of the jewish nation because of the hardness of their hearts. We servants of God will reign with Jesus Christ.
We need sound doctrine in the house of God. Be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Pray
The lawless one will be revealed whom Jesus Christ will overthrow breath of His mouth and destroy by the splendor of His coming. Anti Christ will come as a man of false peace. There is going to be a third temple.
Apostasy…Departure from the church. (A Divorce) Satan is a counterfeiter. Watch out that no one deceives you. Don’t refuse the love of the truth.
Rapture and second coming are two separate events. Trinity is a solid doctrinal concept. Jesus is thinking of us and sending us gifts.
We are the salt of the earth. Salt is used as a restraint in the spoiling of sinful man. When the cup of iniquity is full, God’s judgement will come.
God will regather the members of His church. Watch for the signs Jesus told us to watch out for. We are in the dispensation of Grace. There is a faith that does not save.
Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity is meaningless. Jesus’ resurrection gives up hope that we to will experience the resurrection in the future. Jesus Christ is Coming back!!!
Eschatology! Studying of end time events. Armageddon! War of Gog and Magog. Study to show yourself approved by God.