You Can’t have the Kingdom without righteousness. You much be born again into the kingdom. we need to abide by and according to kingdom policies and regulations.
There is a Kingdom of Culture and a Kingdom of Light. Kingdom Citizens have a higher calling. The world’s motive is to silence the Christian voice.
When you have people with you, you are able to accomplish more in the ministry. Pray for a profit to come and bless your house. Be determined to stand by your leaders. Always depend on the Holy Spirit.
Faith and trust in God is more important than faith and trust we put in human beings. All we want is to be beloved. So we have an issue with relationships and the ability to be understood.
Do we step out on faith ? Or allow fear to take over? This journey is a struggle. Women of God need to make a commitment to the Lord and we will never leave Him.
The church is not in a position of fear but of faith. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Ignorance is very dangerous. Knowledge is the key.
No amount of failure can cause a person to be void of the capacity to hear God’s voice. The power of the voice of God is a voice that reaches places no other voice can go. When God speaks, thing happen.
No matter how I feel, I will!!!! Your struggle is created to cause a change in your life. God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
Bond slaves are believers willingly live under the authority of Christ as his devoted followers. He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and He the Lord will reward him for what he has done. We are called to love the lost . Not condemn them.
Jesus gave gifts to the body. The bible teaches about hard work ethics.. Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.