Let the reader understand. Be on the watch that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen. We serve a covenant keeping God.
Transformation to be Christ like is intentional. The Word of God washes us as we are transformed. Because of something supernatural going on inside of you your exterior changes.
There is constant pressure to go along with the crowd. The sinful mind is hostile to God. The closer we draw to Jesus the more we die to self.
The more we die the more we live. We have to have faith to obey Him. God has a plan.
Forget the blessing. Look for the blesser. True unity of worship brings the Glory of God. If you wak by the spirit you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh.
One book one author equals salvation through Jesus Christ. Who do you say Jesus is? The Miracle of Miracles.
God can use ordinary people who are faithful. Your trials are teaching you how to fight the good fight of faith. The true Ciros moment.
Jesus Christ is alive and well today. What was Jesus’ purpose. If you call on the name of Jesus, you are justified.
The desire for freedom to worship was their main purpose. We need to stand for righteousness. a day was set aside by Abraham Lincoln for giving thanks to God.
All believers have authority in the name of Jesus Christ. There is power in anointed worship. Where ever there is willful disobedience, there is darkness.