You are more than a conqueror! You will either surrender to God or That other force that leads to destruction and death. God’s got me covered from now ’til then!!!
The great prostitute is the end time one world apostate church. Because people do not love the truth God Himself will send a strong delusion This movement of ecumenism and pluralism is the movement of the spirit of Antichrist.
What was life like in the garden of Eden? Pastor Michael Yuricha and Doreen Vail share the word of God.
It’s God’s will that all should repent and come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. How many of us know God’s word is perfect and accurate? Palm branches represent freedom and a gesture of hope that the Messiah will come.
God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. There is only one way to the Father. Hanukah was prophesied. Whoever loves the covenant and relationship word, follow me.
Christianity is an extension of Judaism. There are many levels of Judaism. You have been brought near by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
There were three major precautions taken by the enemies of Jesus that give us circumstantial evidence of His resurrection. Why do you seek the living among the dead? The feast of first fruits is about presenting your first fruits to God almighty. We celebrate the resurrection of the entire church of Jesus Christ.
Is there Grace emphasis in this day and age? A little leaven goes a long way. Sweep the leaven from those dark closets. Feast of unleavened bread proclaimed Christ’s body would be broken.
Christianity is an extension of our Jewish faith. Jesus is a Jew!!! Escaping judgement can only be through the blood of Jesus. On the 14th of Nissan at high noon Jesus was bound to the to the cross and soon wiped away all the sins after saying it is finished.
Without the shedding of blood there is no redemption of sin. We must continually preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord’s feasts are celebrated on the exact same days according to the lunar calendar. It is time to step up and step out for the gospel. If you remove the blood from the Book there is no redemption or healing.