Your spiritual vehicle should be occupied by Father, Son, Holy Spirit and nothing else! We need to come together in Prayer. Change is Difficulty, necessary and a process. Not my will. But Thy will be done.
Your spiritual vehicle should be occupied by Father, Son, Holy Spirit and nothing else! We need to come together in Prayer. Change is Difficulty, necessary and a process. Not my will. But Thy will be done.
Your spiritual vehicle should be occupied by Father, Son, Holy Spirit and nothing else! We need to come together in Prayer. Change is Difficulty, necessary and a process. Not my will. But Thy will be done.
Racism seen in our country today is a play of the devil. Racism is a heart issue. Be careful of the racist attitude. Racism has pride in it’s roots. Let us be like Christ and humble ourselves.
There are three irrefutable signs that His return is near. Beware of False Prophets. The “last days” actually began more than two thousand years ago. The only way to avoid believing the lie is to love the truth of the word of God. What better judge of the prophetic words is there than time?
We are either conformed or being transformed by the renewing of your mind. The world’s motive is to silence the Christian voice. You Can’t have the Kingdom without righteousness.
We Need to move in authority that we are our father’s people. We have to have a goal.
You Can’t have the Kingdom without righteousness. You much be born again into the kingdom. we need to abide by and according to kingdom policies and regulations.
There is a Kingdom of Culture and a Kingdom of Light. Kingdom Citizens have a higher calling. The world’s motive is to silence the Christian voice.
When you have people with you, you are able to accomplish more in the ministry. Pray for a profit to come and bless your house. Be determined to stand by your leaders. Always depend on the Holy Spirit.