The word of God is life changing for healing. Keep your mind stayed on Him. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him.
There is a progression of sin and it all begins with a foothold. If the devil gets a foothold in your thoughts he will create a stronghold in your life. The devil cannot traffic in the light.
Think things through before you speak. Zoe life is having so much abundance it’s spilling out of your life onto others. Hardening of your hearts will lead to many troubles in our lives that are unnecessary. God will remove your heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.
Forget the former things. Don’t dwell on your past. God makes a way in the dessert. Where there is no vision my people perish.
The goal is to get into the King’s chambers. Life is a byproduct of worship. His ultimate desire is for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
We need to learn to be thankful in the midst of the storm. Giving breaks the spirit of selfishness. Be thankful unto Him!
Predestination…No ability to control the outcome. Free will…Some ability to control the outcome based on the choices you make. Foreknowledge…God knows what is going to happen before it happens even if it’s our choice.
God’s vision or plan for you will always be greater than your plan for. Faith will always challenge you to do more than you thought was possible. If God opens the doors, who are we to not walk through those Doors.
The gifts of the spirit speaks life into somebody. Prophecy brings somethings to life. All of the gifts are about building up the house. Judge every prophecy and the prophet.
The Holy Spirit will take you new places never thought possible. How much of the Holy Spirit do you have in you? Are you willing to say yes to the Holy Spirit?