There is constant pressure to go along with the crowd. The sinful mind is hostile to God. The closer we draw to Jesus the more we die to self.
All believers have authority in the name of Jesus Christ. There is power in anointed worship. Where ever there is willful disobedience, there is darkness.
Don’t ignore the check in your spirit. Are you facing temptation? Sin when it is full grown gives birth to death!
Can you hear the voice of God? Rejoice in the Lord always. The kingdom of God is within you.
The Blood Speaks The Blood is Powerful. Don’t let your heart be troubled I will send you another like me. If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.
Let them receive the Word. We do not have the power to change a human being. My help comes from the Lord. The key to break through begins with obedience and faithfulness.
God knows no one is perfect. But if you have the desire His favor, you must fix your eyes on Him. “What would Jesus do” should be your motto. Whenever you bargain with sin it’s always going to take you to a place you wouldn’t go.
Prophesy is coming to past in Haiti and soon the U.S. . The people in the house of the Lord should know the signs. When you respect Jesus you love others.
stand firm. And do not let yourselves be burdened to slavery. You need only be still. nothing is accomplished by the kingdom of God with out faith.
You are mandated to share the love of God everywhere you go so that you may take as many people to heaven as we can. Enter the mission field. I am the way the truth and nobody come to the Father except through me.