According to the word of God, Ezekiel 38 will come to pass. They will tremble at the appearance of my face. I will show my greatness and my holiness. And I will make myself known in the sight of many nations.
Jesus grabbed thee cup because messiah was among us. Jesus tied the old and new testaments together. It’s impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to remove the burden of sin.
In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Give and answer to the reason for the hope we have. The beginning of repentance begins in your mind.
There are no large scales in heaven that compare your good to your bad. When sin is still apparent to you, you are in a good place. Good Himself made the first blood sacrifice. Without the shedding of blood there is no redemption from sin.
The intent of Evangelism is to bring them into the house. True biblical Christianity is not religious. Evangelism is the life blood of the church. Everyone can and should preach the Good news.
Jesus is alive. Resurrection is cause for great wonder and amazement. Stir up the gift that is in you. If not Jesus, then who?
This Cup is the new Covenant and my blood which is poured out for you. Jesus’ death on the cross was the fulfillment. Our Passover Lamb. Jesus Boldly took Thee cup and made His proclamation loud and clear.
Study the Word so Jesus will not be hidden from you eyes. Knowing the written prophetic word helps us discern false prophets and false doctrine today. You choose to or not to glorify the Lord.
The Lord Himself will give you a sign. There is far to much historical evidence of Jesus Christ. Who do you say Jesus is?
We need to do some digging and searching foe knowledge order to get the truth. If we don’t know the word, we are in danger of falling for the deception.