The battle is over who will be worshiped. Those who worship must worship in spirit and in truth. If the Spirit of God is not present during worship it’s false worship.
Government and the bible cannot be separated. Lucifer was a walking living instrument of worship. The bible says the kingdom of God is within us.
There is a progression of sin and it all begins with a foothold. If the devil gets a foothold in your thoughts he will create a stronghold in your life. The devil cannot traffic in the light.
Think things through before you speak. Zoe life is having so much abundance it’s spilling out of your life onto others. Hardening of your hearts will lead to many troubles in our lives that are unnecessary. God will remove your heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.
Jesus said I did not come to bring peace; But a sword! Pluralism is forbidden! Worship of our God is exclusive. How do we build the house unless the Lord builds it.
Forget the former things. Don’t dwell on your past. God makes a way in the dessert. Where there is no vision my people perish.
Every knee should bow and every tongue should acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord. Who do you say that Jesus is?
The goal is to get into the King’s chambers. Life is a byproduct of worship. His ultimate desire is for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
God, who is rich in mercy, grace, love and forgiveness saved us while we were still yet sinners! We are seated in heavenly places in Christ. Jesus said there is only one law!!!
We need to learn to be thankful in the midst of the storm. Giving breaks the spirit of selfishness. Be thankful unto Him!