Christianity is not blind faith. Jesus Christ is in every page of the book. It’s God’s will that none should perish.
There are no large scales in heaven that compare your good to your bad. When sin is still apparent to you, you are in a good place. Good Himself made the first blood sacrifice. Without the shedding of blood there is no redemption from sin.
This world has used critical theories called social economic, racial or climate justice just divides us all. Paul is talking about tearing down strongholds. Conflict theory is designed to keep us in groups including the church in perpetual conflict. Social justice is neither biblical or Godly.
Perfect justice will not arrive on this earth until the perfect judge comes to this earth. If you want to be free from fear then, do what is right. The one in authority saved or not is God’s servant for your own good. Obey God’s Word.
The Proverbs give us a practical path to victory. Addictions are simply sin choices. Everybody struggles with sin. But we fight the good fight.
The fear of the Lord will help you with financial management. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Owe no man anything except the love.
This instruction is transferred by family. Proverbs speak a lot about relationships and associations. Instill Godly wisdom & plant seeds from the time your children are in diapers.
There is a direct assault on manhood and fatherhood. Honoring our father should be our life’s practice. We are living in a day where we need our Godly men to stand up like never before.
The intent of Evangelism is to bring them into the house. True biblical Christianity is not religious. Evangelism is the life blood of the church. Everyone can and should preach the Good news.
God hides his word for appointed season, time and dispensation. We are no longer looking at prophesy. We are prophesy. Preach the word. Be prepared. Good doctrine is vital.