Now is the acceptable year of the Lord. God expects you to move!! Faith is being confident! Faith is the ability to overcome fear.
Don’t miss your miracle moment! Saturate yourself in the Word of God. Look to the Heavens and speak the words of the Lord and watch your situation begin to turn!!!! Give Thanks!
In Jesus Christ I am the righteousness of God. When God says go…..Go!!!! Walk in the fullness of His purpose for you. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Are the waves of life rocking your boat? Life seem out of control? Pastor Michael Yuricha expounds on navigating this life just as Jesus did in the midst of the storm on the boat with his disciples.
Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for today? Are they for everyone? Pastor Michael Yuricha answers these questions and much more.
In this third message in the Holy Spirit Series, Pastor Michael Yuricha speaks about the baptism and the power of the Holy Spirit in the believer and how it is necessary to live a victorious Christian life.
Are you investing your gifts and talents into the Kingdom of God? Pastor Michael Yuricha speaks about the wise and the foolish stewards.
Pastor Michael Yuricha gives the introduction to the Baptism and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.