Do the work of an evangelist. Commit to the act or proclamation with the spreading of the message of Jesus Christ! Preach outside of the church walls. Preach the truth! Everyone should be preaching the word!
We need sound doctrine in the house of God. Be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Pray
Apostasy…Departure from the church. Satan is a counterfeiter. Watch out that no one deceives you. don’t refuse the love of the truth.
The soul of man is looking for a dwelling place. Your prayer will become your presence. When your intent is that the presence is your destination, you will affect every place you go.
We are the salt of the earth. Salt is used as a restraint in the spoiling of sinful man. When the cup of iniquity is full, God’s judgement will come.
Make every effort bare one another in love. When we come together in unity God commands a blessing. Living in unity is like oil poured down on Aaron’s beard (Anointing).
We are not perfect. You are born again by the spirit of the living God. We are unified by the blood line from the cross of Calvary. You are commanded to love and others to love you.
How good and Pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity. When two or more gather together in my name there am I in the midst of them. One purpose. One mind. Jesus prayed that we would be on one accord, one place!!
What is the purpose of unity. Truth is Truth. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit. Divisiveness has no place in the church of Jesus Christ
It takes Investment, Selflessness and Sacrifice to be a true father. Training up a child sets the principles of the Word of God in their lives. Men need to set a model for their house, Discussion of the Word should be a daily occurrence. What kind of hedge are we building around our families.