Watch and pray. When you see these things, you will know the time is near. This book also gives us a foretaste of heaven. There will be no more confusion. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.
Having the mind of Christ and therefore living the Zoe life. Futile Thinking traits can traced back to the hardening of our hearts. Futile thinking has to be changed if we are going to live the life God has prepared for us.
We are living in a post biblical world view here in America. Righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people. Because your heart is humble and returned to the Lord you will be buried in peace.
God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. There is only one way to the Father. Hanukah was prophesied. Whoever loves the covenant and relationship word, follow me.
Christianity is an extension of Judaism. There are many levels of Judaism. You have been brought near by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Not by might or power. But by the spirit says the Lord. God anoints people so that his work can be completed on this earth. You must have the vision. Building an alter is the #1 thing in your life.
He has deposited something in me! Himself! God’s word never falls to the ground unfruitful. God who created you says “Fear not! You are mine!” The Latter reign will be more powerful than the former!
There is power in thanksgiving. Thanksgiving and murmuring can’t co-exist. We can use our tongues to navigate through the storms of life.
Your Future. God says, I see how you see it. But I want you to come up to the place where I see it. Everything that Jesus is is so you can become what you are suppose to be. He is the God of the now.
The Heavens are God’s time piece. “Mo’ade” is Appointed time. It’s time for us to labor. When the Trumpet blew, every Jew made his way to the temple for worship. Jesus is coming back for His Bride. Are you wearing the wedding ring?