Even with the basic morality you cannot separate the bible from politics. There is a war of worship and it continues today. We are the instruments of worship.
When you love Jesus you are eventually going do for the one that you love. Every pilot has a Co-pilot. We are filled with the power of the Holy Ghost even if you don’t use it. As long as God says go I’m going.
The Blood Speaks The Blood is Powerful. Don’t let your heart be troubled I will send you another like me. If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.
Oh give thanks to the Lord. For He is good. You will do good works as lang as you keep on praising Him His mercies endure forever.
Nothing can enter the presence of God without being altered first. What ever is veiled is designed to hide something. There are solutions to what is going on in our country.
Be ye Holy for I am Holy. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. You can have the Word of God coming, the word of the world coming and still have a state of confusion. The hear has got to be unveiled.
Jesus is the Passover Lamb that was slain. When Jesus said thee cup, he was saying I am the one you’ve been looking for. It is only the blood of Jesus who can take away my sin.
We have to learn a new level of Praise in order to battle victoriously. We go into battle with worship and the Word. Go get your peace back with praise on your lips and the Word of God in your mouth.
Foolish praise begins a spiritual cycle. The arts should be restored back to the church. Shout unto God with a voice of triumph.
We can foolishly praise. We are talking about filling and changing your environment with praise everywhere we go.