Engage in Warfare. the Word and the world are in constant conflict with each other. a true worshiper can only worship in spirit and in truth.
Righteous Living is preaching. Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Unleash your own spiritual weapon. angels sometimes appear as humans.
It’s on our knees where we fight the battle. Prayer should be a vital part of a human being. What is your prayer life like?
Our God is God. And He does not Change. Jesus is leading us because He is trying to grow us. Live a life if Righteousness and holiness.
Worship is never wasteful. Out Father seeks a true worshiper, not the religious. You cannot worship from a posture of pride.
All worship is not true worship of God. No matter what He still deserves our thanks giving and praise. There is power in giving thanks.
A true worshiper doesn’t have to have it all together. It’s not necessarily what you do, but who you are. Our love for God is displayed by our love for our brothers and sisters. Truth is love.
Lucifer has been replaced with the body of Jesus Christ. There is a war as to where you will bow your knees. Worshipers must worship in spirit and truth.
Even with the basic morality you cannot separate the bible from politics. There is a war of worship and it continues today. We are the instruments of worship.
We have to learn a new level of Praise in order to battle victoriously. We go into battle with worship and the Word. Go get your peace back with praise on your lips and the Word of God in your mouth.