Judah Ministries Global Online Network

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)

Thank you to all who was able to attend out First Zoom Conference. We are pleased to announce our second GLOBAL ONLINE  ZOOM CONFERENCE will be conducted on SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2021.

Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting
Starting Times will be as follows: 

USA EST/9:00AM – Nigeria/3:00PM – South Africa/4:00PM – Kenya/5:00PM – India/7:30PM

Each of the Board of Pastors will speak for 20 – 30 minutes on various topics covering everything from Church Leadership to Eschatology.


Pastor Michael Yuricha is going to do a Q & A on everything eschatology. (end times) If you have a question or questions, please email us at We will do our best to answer every question.

You don’t want to miss this meeting! Please feel free to invite other like-minded believers.

We would also like to cordially invite you to  register at the  Judah Ministries Global Online Network and receive periodic News Letters, Special Meetings and more!

Click Here and complete the simple online registration. We will return to you with more details upon your registration as well as send you a FREE COPY of  Pastor Michael Yuricha’s New Book entitled: I’m Saved, What Now?. We look forward to partnering with you in proclaiming the Gospel to the World!

The purpose of the Judah Ministries Global Online Network is to provide support and encouragement for ALL BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ worldwide through online teaching, conferences, crusades and prayer as well as periodic articles. Therefore you do not need to be a minister or church to join.

It is also our desire to strengthen the Church by building unity and providing leadership training for everyone in church leadership. * 

* We are NOT a financial charitable organization therefore we do not raise or provide funding for ministerial projects or other personal needs.

 Don’t Forget to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel  and receive notices of all our latest videos!


The Lord’s Feasts


A Short Word

The Revelation Series

Spiritual Warfare

Evangelism Conference


Guest Speakers

Worship & More!

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Always Extravagant Praise, Intimate Worship and the Unadulterated Word of God!!!!

Visit the Judah Ministries International Worship Center for a time of

Worship & Word every Sunday Morning at 10:30AM!

Kid’s Klub Sundays at 10:30AM

Visit our You Tube Channel or to listen to our Podcast with Pastor Michael Yuricha Click Here!

For more information about our organization Visit Our Home Page.

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