Forget the blessing. Look for the blesser. True unity of worship brings the Glory of God. If you wak by the spirit you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh.
God created a mixture of people to create harmony. When we bring our gifts and talents together we create unity. Unit draws the manifest presence of the living God.
It’s time for the church to put on the full Armor of God Choose ye this day whom you will serve. If you are walking in the world, you are not of Christ.
Nothing can enter the presence of God without being altered first. What ever is veiled is designed to hide something. There are solutions to what is going on in our country.
Be ye Holy for I am Holy. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. You can have the Word of God coming, the word of the world coming and still have a state of confusion. The hear has got to be unveiled.
When can I give back to God for the blessings, He pour out to me? We have unlimited divine goodness from the Lord. Look at the strategy of the enemy. Conquer the enemy of your soul!!!