Men’s Bible Study

Godly men meeting for fellowship and Bible Study every Wednesday evening at 7:00PM. Please enter the East Wing.

Weekly Global Zoom Prayer Meeting

Please feel free to join our LIVE GLOBAL ZOOM MEETING with Pastor Michael Yuricha, his team of distinguished pastors and saints from around the world every Thursday! Brothers and sisters from Kenya, USA, Uganda, Malawi, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Zambia and more come together just for a time of Prayer & Worship. Don’t miss this…

Operation 25:35

Offering a Weekly Bible Study, Free Dinner and Free Clothing Distribution to the community.

Wailing Women

Jeremiah 9:17 states: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “Take note, and summon the wailing women; send for the most skillful among them.” Come and join the Wailing Women on the First Wednesday of Each Month to pray for our community, our nation as well as our international affiliations. Meeting in the East…

Main Service

Our Sunday Morning Service is always filled with Extravagant Praise, Intimate Worship and the Unadulterated Preaching of God’s Holy Word with Senior Pastor Michael Yuricha. The Judah Ministries International Worship Center is a Cross-Cultural, Non-Denominational Fellowship. Whether you attend in your favorite pair of blue jeans or your “Sunday Best” you will not feel out…

Family Youth Night

Kids grades 2 and up are welcome to enjoy our  FAMILY YOUTH NIGHT on Tuesday evenings. We will be meeting in the East Wing from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Our goal is to create an evening of fun, fellowship and discipleship in a “Family Environment.” We will be having a movie night, playing board games,…