Our position should be based on the word of God. Strive to make every effort to keep the spirit of peace. Unity in the church is our mission.
Celebration of God’s word. We are in the summer months tilling, tending and working. All the Lord’s feasts are pointing toward the coming of Messiah
God has a covenant with Israel to save him and He will keep His word. Most of the nation of Israel is blind except for the elect. I will summon a sword against Gog says the Lord.
We are the Salt of the Earth. If you are living without Christ you are living in darkness. We are to in-salt all people.
Jesus said watch and pray. Be careful of hyper spirituality. It is Jehovah that watches over Israel.
There is only one name under heaven by which we can be saved. Be careful of idolatry We are the guilty sons and daughters of the Father.
Christ was the fulfillment of all the sacrificial law. Stay close to the lamb because He is your salvation
There is victory in the Word. When every man has his own truth, in affect you have no truth. The one who nurtures you will be removed. We need to rediscover the Word.
You cannot speak the word of the Lord if you are not in the word of the Lord. One word from Jesus can radically change your life. Zeal without knowledge is no good.
There is a separation in the Christian faith. Pursue righteousness and holiness. Live for things eternal.