The word of God is alive and active
Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes and enemy of God. when evil comes Stand your ground
You are influencing and being an influencer. If anyone is causing you to stumble due to false teaching, it would be better to have a large millstone around your neck and dropped into the depths of the sea. Communicate to make your point and learn how to do it.
You and Jesus are brother and sister if you are doing the will of God. Good deeds during your life is the evidence of your faith. Changing of your mind will eventually change your behavior..
The cloud was Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory. Jesus came to bring as the body of Christ together. Speak and act like a believer.
Don’t ignore the check in your spirit. Are you facing temptation? Sin when it is full grown gives birth to death!
God is generous and will supply all your needs. When wisdom is needed, you ask. Gain wisdom by reading the Word of God.
Don’t be deceived by the spirit of religiosity. Practical Christian life living with haters and in a fallen world. You cannot have great faith without great trials.
God created a mixture of people to create harmony. When we bring our gifts and talents together we create unity. Unit draws the manifest presence of the living God.
The devil is busy and trying to sew the seed of discord in the church. If your name is listed in the lambs book of life , you have nothing to worry about.
It’s time for the church to put on the full Armor of God Choose ye this day whom you will serve. If you are walking in the world, you are not of Christ.